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Get in touch
We're truly grateful for the outpouring of messages from compassionate souls like yours. As a small team dedicated to preserving the rainforest, we kindly ask for your cooperation in reaching out to us. Following these guidelines will help us respond promptly to you and others:
  1. Choose the theme below that best fits your message.
  2. Check our FAQs below for answers to the most commonly asked questions.
  3. Keep it concise: Send one message only, preferrably using one of our forms or email. Forms are ideal for smoother communication with our team.
Scoll down for options to get in touch
Philantropists & Larger Contributors
If you are a philanthropist, a significant donor, or represent a donor-advised fund, please connect with our donation team with our form (preferred) or by email
Send a note of support to our team
To send a note of appreciation, say hello or encourage our team, please send a message via our support form (preferred) or email.
If you're passionate about volunteering, please note that we do NOT traditional welcome international volunteers. Read our frequently asked questions for more details on volunteering with our team and visiting our operations. Consider volunteering with our partner the Amazon Shelter. If you have other skills or resources you'd like to volunteer to our cause, fill in our form (preferred) or reach out by email.
If you're conducting research, seeking a study location, or interested in contributing to ongoing scientific endeavors, please contact our science team via our form (preferred) or by email.
Media Inquiries and Press Packages
For media inquiries, press packages, or any related information, please contact our communications team via our form (preferred) or by email.
For sponsorships inquiries, colaboration opportunities, please contact our communications team via our form (preferred) or by email.
See our most frequently asked questions. For other store & order inquiries, please contact our store team via our form (preferred) or by email.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, Junglekeepers Inc is a registered non-profit organization. As a 501(c)(3) entity, we are committed to our mission of protecting the Amazon rainforest. Our status as a non-profit underscores our dedication to transparency, accountability, and serving the greater good. We adhere to strict regulations and guidelines governing non-profit organizations, ensuring that every donation and contribution directly supports our conservation efforts in the Amazon rainforest. Your support enables us to make a meaningful impact in preserving this vital ecosystem for future generations. Additionally, donations to Junglekeepers may be tax-deductible, depending on your jurisdiction and individual circumstances.

You can find Junglekeepers on the most common charity platforms as well like GuideStar or Charity Navigator. You can also read our letter of determination from the Internal Revenue Service at this link.
Yes, donations to 501(c)(3) organizations like Junglekeepers are typically tax deductible in the United States. However, the deductibility of donations can depend on various factors, including the donor's individual tax situation and any specific regulations or limitations set by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS). It's advisable for donors to consult with a tax professional or refer to IRS guidelines for specific information regarding tax deductibility of charitable contributions..

For more information, please visit the IRS' website.
Our organization maintains a steadfast commitment to transparency and accountability across all facets of our operations, including the allocation and utilization of funds. We achieve this through a multifaceted approach, beginning with meticulous financial reporting. Our financial records undergo regular audits by independent accounting firms to ensure compliance with regulations and provide donors with clear insight into how their contributions are utilized. We prioritize open communication with our donors, providing regular updates on our projects, achievements, and financial performance. Additionally, we adhere rigorously to all relevant laws and regulations governing non-profit organizations, and actively solicit feedback from stakeholders to continuously improve our practices. Through these measures, we uphold our commitment to transparency and accountability, ensuring that donor funds are used responsibly and effectively to advance our mission of rainforest conservation.

Our commitment to transparency is further demonstrated through the annual report we produce, which offers a comprehensive overview of our activities, achievements, and financial performance. This report serves as a detailed account of our stewardship of donor funds and our impact on rainforest conservation efforts in the Peruvian Amazon. See our 2023 Annual Report.
While we appreciate your interest in volunteering, at this time, we are not accepting volunteers. However, there are opportunities to visit our team!

Why aren't we accepting volunteers? We have a dedicated team of local rangers and staff who play a crucial role in protecting, patrolling, and expanding our protected area in the rainforest. This approach not only safeguards the forest but also supports indigenous communities and the local economy. Consequently, we do not typically offer volunteer opportunities with our rainforest team. Volunteering without contributing financially is challenging in the rainforest, where every activity incurs costs. Even reaching our reserve, located hours away from the nearest town, involves expenses such as food, equipment, and boat maintenance. Therefore, when allocating resources, we prioritize supporting local communities. Our 'locals first' approach is integral to our success. To accomplish tasks in the rainforest, we hire locals, providing them with an alternative to logging or mining jobs and access to essential services like healthcare and childcare. We have become a sustainable source of employment for the region, which has limited economic options beyond eco-tourism.

If you're still keen on volunteering, we encourage you to consider volunteering with our partner, the Amazon Shelter.

Interested in seeing our operations firsthand? Check out the next question!
If you're passionate about rainforest conservation and eager to witness our Junglekeepers Rangers in action, we're thrilled to announce that we're currently organizing trips in collaboration with Tamandua Expeditions. These excursions are tailored to inform our supporters about our ongoing and upcoming projects within and around the Junglekeepers Sanctuary. It's an incredible opportunity to witness our team's dedicated efforts firsthand and draw inspiration. During these expeditions, guests will gain insight into the daily lives of Junglekeepers rangers as they work tirelessly to protect the forest. Participants will also have the chance to join patrols and work directly alongside the rangers.

For more information about this expedition, please visit Tamandua's website.
If you're interested in hands-on volunteer opportunities, we encourage you to explore our partner, the Amazon Shelter. This animal rescue center, supported and funded in part by Junglekeepers, offers a more accessible option for volunteering. Located conveniently close to town, it's easier to reach and participate in volunteer activities. At the Amazon Shelter, volunteers play a vital role in caring for and rehabilitating rescued animals, contributing directly to conservation efforts in the region. Whether you have a passion for wildlife or simply want to make a difference, volunteering at the Amazon Shelter is a rewarding experience.

To learn more about volunteering opportunities at the Amazon Shelter, please visit this link.
At this time, Junglekeepers does not offer international shipping due to the logistical challenges and administrative complexities involved. As a small non-profit organization, our resources are focused on our core mission of protecting the Peruvian Amazon. Expanding our shipping operations internationally would require significant time and effort, diverting resources from our conservation efforts.

However, we understand that our supporters worldwide still want to receive our items. To accommodate this, we recommend using a mail forwarding service like USA2Me, Forward2Me, or Ship It To. Services like these provide you with a US-based address that you can use at checkout, and they will forward your order to your international address. This way, you can still support our cause and receive your items, no matter where you are in the world. Note: While we mention these mail forwarding services as possible options, Junglekeepers does not specifically endorse any of them. We encourage you to do your own research to find the service that best meets your needs.
As a small team dedicated to our conservation mission, we strive to process and ship orders as quickly as possible. However, please be aware that it can sometimes take a few days to a few weeks for your order to be fulfilled, especially during busy periods. Rest assured, we will send you a notification once your order has left our facility, so you’ll know when it’s on its way.
Yes, you can change or cancel your order if you contact us at our email before it has been shipped. Please reach out as soon as possible, and we'll do our best to accommodate your request.
Yes, you can change or cancel your order if you contact us at our email before it has been shipped. Please reach out as soon as possible, and we'll do our best to accommodate your request.
While we strive to provide the best service possible, we understand that there may be times when a return or exchange is necessary. Please note that exchanges might be subject to additional shipping costs. If you need to return or exchange an item, please reach out to our team via emailand we'll assist you with the process.
Yes, absolutely! Making a donation is the best way to support our mission of protecting the Peruvian Amazon. You can donate directly by visiting our donate. Your generosity helps us continue our vital work.